— scam or a new Internet giant?

Опубликовано Июнь 28, 2012        Последняя редакция: Апрель 7, 2020

If you are reading this page, then surely you are interested in information and independent reviews of sensational project WAZZUB. What is it — another scam and fraud or a real opportunity to make money? Further in this article we will answer these questions and let’s begin with some information about the company.

In January 2012 started a preparatory campaign of the American project WAZZUB (site located at As its developers claim, that this system is an analog and future competitor of Internet giants such as GOOGLE and YAHOO search engines, but with one essential difference — WAZZUB will share the profit with its users. The question arises — why would they do that? And here we come to the most important issue — unlike other Internet startups this project decided to work in a different way and in order to attract potential clients decided to use no advertising on television and the Internet, but the multilevel marketing. That is, all the already registered company partners eventually will be receiving a part of its profits in proportion to the number of visitors involved. For example, you register in WazzUb (registration of partners goes till 12 April 2012 on the site, and place your own online partner link by which potential users of the future search engine will come into the company.

At the moment of writing this article (May 8, 2012), such a system of advertising in Wazz Ub has succeeded to involve about 6.5 million users and partners. Nevertheless, despite the absence of any initial investment (registration is completely free), many people, being careful because of bitter experience, consider WAZZUB to be a scam, created only to get money from naive, trustful people. Is that really so? Let's try to understand look at some interesting facts.

So, is WAZZUB — another scam or a new high-quality search engine?

  • As the founders of this project say, Google earns billions of dollars thanks to its users and does not want to share them with anyone. In fact, that is true; Google is really earning billions of dollars annually. But if you subtract from that amount taxes, salaries of workers, the maintenance of data-centers etc., it turns out that Google for the year 2011 earned less than $ 10 billion, a large part of which eventually went to thousands of its investors. And these 10 billion were earned only thanks to the huge attendance of the project (more than 15 billion people in 2011). That is, if Google will share revenue with each user, each person will receive only 30 cents for the year.
  • Google is a corporation, which exists and has been successfully developing for nearly 15 years. What are the chances that WAZZUB is able to become as successful as Google? The answer — almost zero. For example, several years ago the world-famous company Microsoft launched its own search engine Bing and, despite serious investment, Bing still causes some losses (in 2011 they lost up to 2.5 billion dollars). At the same time, the partners of Wazz UB claim that two million dollars were invested in the project. In my opinion — it's a ridiculously small amount for a more or less serious Internet project.
  • By the way, for the WAZZUB partners to note — the last few years I have come across 3 projects (Capital Mix, PeopleString and megamix Group), who promised their users to share the profits with them. None of them fulfilled his promise. Moreover, they all eventually turned into ordinary disguised pyramid schemes, and only took money from customers.
  • And even if the company WAZZ UB manages to become as popular and successful as Google, (the probability is one chance to a million), then would it pay you if it can just remove you from the list of partners? In this case, it just will lose a few million users; against the backdrop of a billionth attendance will not play any role.

Summing up the review of the WAZZUB I can make a prediction — probably July 1 (the date of the official launch of the project), instead of a search engine we will see a worthless and useless virtual product or service which partners will be invited to use it for a nominal fee of 20 — $ 50. And buying it you will get some more points, glasses, etc. But this is only a prediction, and in fact I could be wrong.

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